I Ching Divination Cards

The I Ching is both a purely sapiential book, and a divinatory or oracular practice book. As a sapiential it is a source of wisdom in life. As an oracle it is the tool to find harmony, an infallible compass for the correct orientation.

The permutations of Yin and Yang are represented in the I-Ching by the interaction of interrupted lines (- -) in the Yin, and continuous lines (-) in the Yang. They are used to form eight figures of three lines (triagrams).

These are interchanged to form 64 figures of six lines, hexagrams. The full version of the I-Ching has a different reading for each hexagram and for each individual line of the situation for which advice has been sought

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Cats: animals of esotericism?

Since ancient times, cats have been cult animals. The Romans, Egyptians and later the Ottomans have linked these noble animals with the occult and the unexplainable sciences. Next, we will explain why cats are considered to be esoteric animals.

Without a doubt, cats are animals of esotericism. As we mentioned at the beginning, their figure and representation have always been involved in any esoteric activity or that involves the knowledge of internal sciences.Continue reading